This shows all commands that you can use in-game!
Important Member Commands
• /help
Opens the CubeCadia Helper GUI which lists a bunch of useful information.
• /spawn
Teleports you to spawn.
• /ranks
Lists all available ranks that can be unlocked by your total times voted and also lists donor ranks.
• /list
Lists who is currently on the server and their rank/activity.
• /rules
Lists the current server rules.
• /hub
Used to teleport you to the servers Hub.
• /cmd
Opens a menu with more useful commands.
• /info
Opens a menu with even more useful information.
• /pref
Opens a menu with all your toggleable preferences.
• /vote
Opens a menu with all current voting links.
• /wiki
Gives you the link to our wiki website. Click the link in chat to go to it.
• /discord
Gives you a link to join our discord server. Click the link in chat to go to it.
• /booster
Shows you discord booster rewards in a GUI.
• /helpop <message>
Sends the specified message to all online admins
Member Commands
• /ah
Used to open the auction house.
• /ah sell <price> <amount>
Used to put item(s) that are in your hand on the auctionhouse for the price given. The minimum sell price for item(s) is 10.
• /ah history
Used to view your purchase and/or sale history.
• /tab scoreboard
Used to toggle the right-side Cubecadia Survival scoreboard on and off.
• /rewards
Used to claim Streak Rewards and Referral rewards.
• /rtp
Opens the rtp GUI menu.
• /rtp world <world>
Used to rtp in the specified world.
• /qs
Used to list all QuickShop commands.
• /pw
Opens the PlayerWarps GUI menu.
• /pp
Opens the PlayerParticles GUI menu.
• /pets
Opens the Pets GUI menu.
• /lands
Opens the Lands GUI menu.
• /lands create <name>
Used to create a land.
• /claim
Used to claim the chuck you are standing.
• /claim auto
Used to claim chucks and continues to claim chucks you walk into.
• /trust <username>
Used to add the specified username to your land.
• /hdb or /heads (costs money)
Opens a gui with many different head for decorations.
• /finditem TO_BUY <item id> or /finditem TO_SELL <item id>
Used to find shops that are ether selling or buying the item specified. Click the shops listed to teleport to it.
• /warps
Opens a gui with Server warps and Player warps.
• /tpa <username>
Sends a tp request to the specified username.
• /sethome
Sets your default home where you are standing.
• /sethome <name>
Sets a home with the name specified only if you have enough homes left.
• /playtime
Displays your playtime.
• /playtime <username>
Displays the usernames playtime.
• /pay <username> <amount>
Sends the cash amount to the specified username.
• /payconfirmtoggle
Enables or Disables the confirm message for confirming /pay transactions.
• /kit
Lists all kits and which ones you can claim.
• /ignore <username>
Prevents the username specified from being seen in your chat.
• /homes
Lists all set homes.
• /home
Teleports to your default home set with /sethome. Only works if you have one home. If you have mulitple homes do /home home.
• /home <name>
Teleports you to the home with the specified name.
• /delhome <name>
Deletes the home with the specified name.
• /xp or /exp
Show your current exp level and about of exp points.
• /baltop
List the current players with the most money.
• /bal
Shows you how much money you have.
• /bal <username>
Show you how much money the specified username has.
• /gems
List all gems commands.
• /dungeonmap
Opens the Dungeons GUI for teleporting to specific dungeons and other info.
• /artmap
Opens the Art GUI used to create a canvas and art.
• /cosmetic or /cosmetics
Opens a menu with all sorts of cosmetics to choose from.
• /disguise
Opens a menu and lists all your available unavailable disguises.
• /keyshop
Opens a menu to buy current keys with in game money.
• /enchanter
Opens a menu to buy Custom enchantments and enchanter crate keys with exp points.
• /enchants
Opens a menu to view every custom enchantment currently available on the server.
• /farmbag
Opens a menu and lists all the items you can get from the farm bag.
• /hopper
Opens a buy menu for custom hoppers.
• /jobs
Opens the jobs main menu.
• /mayor
Opens a menu that allows you to let the mayor know they can start a tourney.
• /pv
Opens a menu which allows you to access your playervaults if you have them.
• /pv <number>
Opens the playervault with the specified number.
• /pvpwarp
Opens a menu to confirm or deny to be teleported to the pvp zone.
Squid Rank Commands
Everything from Member and the following command!
• /wb or /craft
Opens a virtual workbench.
Dolphin Rank Commands
Everything from Squid and the following command!
• /ext
If you are on fire this commands puts it the fire out with magic.
Chicken Rank Commands
Everything from Dolphin and the following command! • /blocks or /condense
This is used to turn all material in your inventory that has a block counterpart into its block form. Saves you crafting time!
Pig Rank Commands
Everything from Chicken and the following commands! •
Opens a virtual anvil.
• /ec or /enderchest
Opens your enderchest.
Sheep Rank Commands
Everything from Pig and the following command!
• /near
Lists every player that is near your location in game.
Bee Rank Commands
Everything from Sheep and the following commands!
• /top (Only works in Resourse world)
Teleports you to the highest block above you where you stand.
• /ascend
Teleports you to the next available standable pocket of air above where you stand.
• /me <message>
Displays the specified messages infront of your username in one sentence. Example: "/me loves cats" would display "IsoCat loves cats" in chat.
Wolf Rank Commands
Everything from Bee and the following commands!
• /top (In all worlds)
Teleports you to the highest block above you where you stand.
• /descend Teleports you to the next available standable pocket of air below where you stand.
Parrot Rank Commands
Everything from Wolf and the following command!
• /grindstone
Opens a virtual grindstone
Allay Rank Commands
Everything from Parrot and the following commands!
• /stonecutter
Opens a virtual stonecutter
• /feed or /feed <username>
Refils your hunger bar or Refils the specified usernames hunger bar
• /heal
Puts you back to full health.
Donator Commands
Use "/gems shop" or go to
to get these ranks!
Premium Rank Commands
• /depth
Tells you how far above or below sea level you are.
• /getpos
Tells you information about your current position in game.
• /qs sign <material>
Changes the type of sign on your shop
• /hdb or /heads (All Free) Opens a gui with many different head for decorations.
VIP Rank Commands
Everything from Premium and the following commands!
• /hat
Puts what its in your hand on your head.
• /sit
Makes you sit where you are.
• /qs suggestprice
Uses the averages of all shops and suggests the median price for your shop
• /pweather
Tells you your current player weather
• /pweather get <username>
Tells you what the usernames player weather is.
• /pweather storm
Set your player weather to storm.
• /pweather sun
Set your player weather to sun.
• /pweather reset
Resets your player weather.
• /chestsort
Opens the chestsort menu
• /chestsort help
Lists all commands for chestsort
• /trash
Opens a virtual chest that when you close the menu the items in it are deleted.
MVP Rank Commands
Everything from VIP and the following commands!
• /crawl
Puts you in crawl form which allows you to crawl in 1 by 1 holes. Crouch to stand up.
• /bellyflop
Does a bellyflop animation. Crouch to cancel the animation.
• /sit
Puts you in a sitting position where you are standing. Crouch to stand up.
• /ci
Clears your whole inventory
• /nick <name>
Set your nickname to the specified name. Use & then a number or letter to add color. To learn the & codes look up "& colors" on google and click the first link labeled "MC Colour Guide - Essentials"
Cadian Rank Commands
Everything from MVP and the following commands!
• /lay
Puts you in a sleeping animation where you are standing. Crouch to stand up.
• /spin
Puts you in a spinning animation where you are standing. Crouch to stop.
• /fix
Fixes the current item in your hand to full durability.
Last updated